
Light Dynamic Penetrometer (PDL)

Portable Non-Nuclear Probe for in-situ tests

Sample extractor, manual, through hydraulic system

Equip. For determination of the Methylene Blue Value

Electric stirrer and propeller
Burette 50ml x 0.1ml w/ univ. 21x12cm and fixing brackets.
Set Paper Filters Pack 100
Day glass rod. 8×300 mm
Plastic precipitation cup, 3000ml cap.
Agitator support base
Burette support base
From 200X150X180mm
Methylene blue, 100g
Kaolinite, 500g

Complete Sand Equivalent Set

Agitator for Sand Equivalent (motorized)

Casagrande shells
Motorized and manual

Motorcycles and Set for determining the Retraction Limit

Proctor / CBR automatic compactor

Complete mold for CBR

“UNITRONIC”, Universal Load Structure w/ 50kN cap.

Center load edometer

Workbench with 3 units

Direct / Digital Cut test equipment, basic version

Direct Cutting Equipment, with automatic data acquisition